Cleaning and desinfection





Availability: In stock (1-2 w. days)

Surface disinfectant

Scentless phosphate-free liquid concentrate for cleaning and disinfection water resistant surfaces. Product has a wide fungicidal and bactericidal effect, destroying Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, deactivating viruses. Very effective against dermatophytes, yeast and mould fungi. pH 11-12

A 0.3 1% working solution is used for treating rooms (floors, walls, doors, window sills) and inventory. Treated surfaces do not need rinsing with water.

The product is suitable for use in child care institutions to disinfect water resistant surfaces, incl. toys. It is recommended to rinse toys.

Product is an effective for prophylaxis and eliminating fungal foot diseases, therefore it is especially suitable for washing sauna rooms, shower cabins and swimming pool premises as well as bathtubs with a 1% working solution. During medical treatment of fungal nail diseases and six months after the treatment it is recommended to wash socks and stockings with a 0.3% solution of Chemi-Pharm Des New, at the same time also spray Chemisept FG (for exact information please refer to product instructions) into the footwear and let it dry. The time of recovery from fungal skin and nail diseases will be significantly shorter.

The working solutions of the product are prepared by diluting the concentrate in water. The time of effect of the working solution depends on its concentration.
0.3% 10 min
0.5 % 5 min
1% 30 min (for very polluted surfaces)


Additional Information

Volume 1000ml
Brand Chemi-Pharm