Pharmacy products

Dermanutrix Drinkable collagen 14 tk


Availability: In stock (1-2 w. days)

Collagen is a protein featuring essentially fibers in dermis, to which it brings resistance to tension and traction. Collagen represents the major component of dermis (more than 75% of its dry weight). Along years, a reduction of the dermal content of collagen can be observed (-68% when 70 years old!). This is due to two different reasons: the first one is the reduction of the efficiency of the fibroblasts, which produce lesser quantities of collagen, and the second one is related to the ROS which are increasing the production of enzymes degrading collagen.

By humans, it was demonstrated that the oral intake of collagen (10 grams per day during 2 months) was able to increase skin hydration by 28%. An improvement of skin relief (decrease of lines and wrinkles) was also observed following this regimen.

One advantage of collagen is that it does not present any toxicity by oral intake and does not induce any side effect: WHO considers that the intake of collagen, even in high quantities, does not induce any risk for human health.


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Brand Dermanutrix