Hair Dyes

Prosalon Intensis Color Art 1000/32 Special pearl blond 100g


Availability: Out of stock

The new Intensis Color Art by Prosalon is a rich collection of 73 unique, intense colors, from basic to the most individualized. The modern formula of the paint contributes to the fact that the hair receives care already in the process of colorization. Macadamia oil, which is contained in a colorizing cream, guarantees hair protection against damage, perfectly conditions them, increasing elasticity and elasticity, and also gives hair a beautiful shine. Thanks to the use of innovative ingredients in the paint formulation, the hair and scalp are protected from irritations that occur during colorization. A pleasant fruity aroma is an additional advantage of the paint and makes the coloring procedure pleasant for both the client and the hairdresser. Coloring with Intensis Color Art makes hair shiny, providing a uniform, deep and lasting color.
100% dye gray hair. Usage: mixing 1: 1.5 with cream-oxidizing agents Prosalon Color Art 1.9%, 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%.


Additional Information

Volume 100ml
Brand Prosalon